KXA354 Computer Graphics
Assignment Two
I am trying to organize a gallery of animations from the KXA354 class of 2006 (and any others who are interested). Feel free to take a look and see what we've been working on. These might not look all that impressive, but they were created using C++ and OpenGL - not Maya or any of those sort of programs, so they are pretty impressive if you look at them like that.
NOTE: These are quicktime files - you will need quicktime to view them.
Note to other KXA354 students I want your animation. Convert it to a Quicktime file and send it to me. Email me at jawapro AT gmail DOT com.
Instructions for converting your animation to a Quicktime File
Student: Robert Kingston

Download the Animation
Quicktime Movies
Defense_of_Rimble-Large.mov - 10.5mb
Defense_of_Rimble-Small.mov - 2.20mb
More Information
For all the secrets and behind-the-scenes story for the animation - check out
The Secrets of Rimble.
Student: Mark Wise

Download the Animation
Quicktime Movie
mawise-small.mov - 2.10mb
Student: Luke Taylor

Download the Animation
Quicktime Movie
LukeTaylor.mov - 2.22mb
Student: Mark Knights
This is the movie that they had to call in the censorship board for. Mark single-handedly managed to give the Movie Screening a PG rating.

Download the Animation
Quicktime Movie
MarkKnights.mov - 6.78mb (Note - some slightly adult content)
Student: Chris Whatshisname

Download the Animation
Quicktime Movie
JeepChase.mov - 1.95mb
Student: Jono Whatshisname
This animation was given to me without all the necessary sound files - so I did my best to recreate the sounds/music for the animation. This version has a much longer music track than the original (which only played the chorus of the song). Also - because I did the sound on this version - you MIGHT notice that the alarm and some of the sound effects are the same as in my animation.
The voice work are straight from the original though - and I personally think the funniest bits are Jono's voice going "Baaa Baaa ... On no...." as the sheep gets knocked off the hill. Its less obvious in this version, as the extra music drowns out the "oh no" but I thought that was absolutelly classic.

Download the Animation
Quicktime Movie
JetStrike.mov - 6.81mb