A new couchjawaproTue 28/10/2014 08:24 PM
It was time to replace my old couch.
I might not look so bad in the photo - but ask anyone who sat on it - it wasn’t terribly comfortable anymore.
I’d been planning to replace it anyway, but as I am now supposedly getting a housemate again, I figured I should ramp the plans up a bit.
So say hello to the new couch.
It’s still a very cheap couch (Neptune will destroy it anyway - so there’s no point spending big) but it’s far more comfortable than the old one.
Neptune approves!
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A G60 in the shed...jawaproTue 21/10/2014 10:33 PM
Well it’s only taken me a few years - but my shed is finally home to a G60!
Spotty Ronald has been rolled into position ready to be stripped down for parts.
Most people would have expected me to start with Dacey, and that’s still the plan. But my folks would like some of their paddock back, so I'm going to strip Spotty Ronald, and Rusty Rose first.
Although now it sounds like I might have to fight for room in my shed with a Landrover... but that's another story.
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GrandadjawaproMon 13/10/2014 08:36 PM
Due to my laziness, I haven’t posted since Grandad’s 100th party.
Now I am once again posting about Grandad, but this time it’s not so joyful.
Grandad passed away last week.
I’ve been extremely fortunate that I got to meet all bar one of my great grandparents. And apart from one of those who died when I was young, I’ve got to know all of them very well too. Many people don’t get to know their grandparents that well, let alone their great-grandparents!
All my great grandparents have all been awesome in their way, and Grandad was no exception.
I’ve spent many an afternoon visiting with Grandad.
When I was younger we built Duplo towers to reach the ceiling (which I still remember was awesome) and I spent more time in Grandad’s garden than I have in my own.
But most of the memories are just chatting with him. Or more often, just listening to the tales he had collected over his lifetime. He had so many funny stories and loved sharing them.
I’m so glad that the family had a chance to celebrate Grandad’s 100th and that he was well enough to enjoy it.
You’ll be missed Grandad, but you’ll never be forgotten...
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Grandad turns 100!jawaproMon 15/09/2014 09:28 PM
Wow! Some things are a once in a lifetime event – turning 100 is a once in a very rare lifetime event!
Grandad celebrated his 100th birthday this weekend. The family gathered from around the country, and he had a ball (so did I).
Born at the start of the Great War, Fred (my mother’s father’s father) has seen so much in his 100 years. It’s great to stop for a while and have a yarn with him. And yes, he is still very much ‘with it’.
Happy Hundredth Grandad!
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My new server - Deep ThoughtjawaproFri 05/09/2014 10:40 PM
Taxtime! In my case that means I get some money back from the taxman - but only because I pay too much during the year. It’s sort of enforced savings on my part.
Last year that allowed me to purchase Pandora (my main PC). This year I’ve spent part of it replacing my server.
Allow me to introduce Deep Thought! Well, basically it’s a black box, but it’s now my new server.
It has 8TB of disk which should last me a few weeks, and a brand new SSD for the OS.
While I’m at it, my TV PC has been replaced with a Dell I got from Jason (I swapped him a smaller HP I was using as a monitor stand). The old HP that has been handling my media centre duties has done well over the years, but it was getting pretty old. The new Dell wasn’t much better initially - but a heap of extra RAM and an SSD and it flies now! Although a completely different PC, it retains the name Jordan, as that was the name of my media centre.
And yet another Dell - this time named Sputnik - has taken up residence in the shed. This little guy is so I have internet access and more importantly, so I can watch my TV shows out there! And once again - some extra RAM and an SSD made all the difference.
I tell you - it’s dangerous shopping for computer gear - an SSD here, some extra RAM there - it adds up quickly...
Deep Thought will also host a pair of VMs called Trillian and Zaphod to run specifics tasks for Jason and myself, which will replace the old Castle and Beckett.
Sometimes I really am a geek...
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