Lego Iron ThronejawaproMon 11/08/2014 10:15 PM
I finally put my Lego Iron Throne project together.
I hope you agree - there is really only one person with the rights to be sitting on that throne - good old George himself!
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Storm DamagejawaproMon 11/08/2014 10:13 PM
In all that bad weather a few weeks back - my fence blew down!
Fortunately my retired neighbor had been planning to replace it anyway - and put in all the work - I just need to pay for my half of the costs.
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Another G60!jawaproWed 23/07/2014 07:09 PM
Ok - so I bought another G60, but it’s not going to live in my parent’s paddock, this one is living on my desk!
It’s an awesome little model of an awesome car - but there’s a bit of a tale that goes with it too.
For a long time I’ve said if I ever saw a model of a normal G60, I’d buy it in a flash. The only model available has been of the FirePatrol (a G60 firetruck from Japan). Now although I admit there is coolness in being a firetruck, I just don’t like the look of the Fire Patrol - it doesn’t look like a G60 to me. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/Fire-patrol.jpg)
So when someone sent me a link to a US ebay auction for a model G60, I was stoked.
Except the auction had ended before I saw it.
So I started hunting around the net, and discovered that the models came from Colombia (which has a lot of G60s) and was part of a special release celebrating the cars of Colombia. Most of the sites were in Spanish.
But at last I found a seller on Ali Express who had 20 of them for sale. For a decent price too.
I’ve never used Ali Express before, and I didn’t entirely trust it. So instead of giving it my credit card details, I figured I should get a prepaid Visa card so the worst case is that they get the money I’d put on that.
So the next morning I stop at the post office and get myself a prepaid Visa. I log on to Ali Express and plan to buy a couple - but the seller has sold out!
Doh, in 12 hours he went from 20 to none.
So I hit the G60 forums and find (of course) that I’m not the one person hunting these down. But they’re a friendly bunch, and post whenever they find an ebay seller who has stock.
"Hey, this guy’s got some" they posted. Unfourtuantly that was during the night down here, so I didn’t seen it until the morning, by which time they’d all gone.
The next time someone posted "Here’s some more, but Jawa’s probably asleep". The good news is, I wasn’t!
So I jumped on ebay and snavelled one. Not exactly cheap anymore (I’ve bought a full-sized G60 for double the price) but at least I had it.
It turned up in the mail today, in a box saying it was a Chevy - but that doesn’t matter. The model itself knows what it is - nice Nissan Patrol badges all over it.
So the model has joined the others on my monitor stand at work. It might not look like it’s got pride of place, but it’s certainly the one I’m most proud of - and the hardest to obtain.
Looking at that photo, I should probably dust...
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Front page news...jawaproTue 22/07/2014 07:13 PM
A couple of weeks back we held the first ever Devonport Brixhibition.
It was only a one-day event in a smaller hall than we’d had in Launceston because we didn’t know how it’d go up here.
Well the queue was out the door and up the street!
I think you can call that a success!
People were waiting over an hour just to get in.
So next year we’ll have a much bigger hall and a two day show.
And if we’re really lucky - they’ll choose someone else to put in the paper...
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Painting VolunteersjawaproTue 08/07/2014 10:47 PM
Sorry for the poor photo - it was sneaked by my phone when I wasn't really supposed to be taking photos. I know 'sneaked' isn't technically a valid word in that context, but it works.
On with the tale...
My sister is quite smart. She graduated from uni and everything. But sometimes I wonder...
She was having a dig at me about the state of paint in my bathroom - which to be fair was pretty atrocious and peeling off.
She said I really should do something about it, to which I replied that she was unemployed and welcome to have a crack if she wanted.
The thing that makes me doubt her sense and sanity is that she agreed. I wasn't really expecting that.
She also managed to convince Turkey to join her.
Two volunteers to work on my house while I am at work - fantastic!
So for the better part of a week they have been staying at my place and attacking my bathroom.
They've done a great job too - especially given the price (they were volunteers).
There's a little left for me to do - but it's mostly done now.
One thing that I found very surprising is that even after about 7 years living here, I hadn't realised there was a massive hole in my bathroom wall.
It's obviously where a cupboard used to live - but has been hiding behind a mirror since I bought the place. The things you find...
^ The hole in the wall makes a good speaker holder when painting. Also note, the paintwork wasn't quite that bad - that was after sanding it back.
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