Gnarly Barkly - CrazyjawaproMon 14/08/2006 06:42 PM
I watch some of the MTV Movie Awards the other night. I thought the skits etc were pretty painfull to watch and not funny at all - but then Gnarls Barkly came on stage in full Darth Vader costume, and proceeded to sing his song "Crazy".
Very cool - I especially enjoyed seeing Chewbacca on drums - he seems to fit perfectly.
You can see the clip over at www.youtube.com . Just be warned - youtube can sometimes have some pretty dodgey stuff on it, but it seemed ok when I check this one out.
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General Johns LANjawaproSun 13/08/2006 06:42 PM
Thanks to General John and his band of cohorts. He invited me to a LAN on Saturday. It was a really nice way to destress after the last couple of days.
Thanks heaps mate.
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Uni StressjawaproFri 11/08/2006 06:42 PM
Far out - I´ve been really stressed for the last few days.
Our Uni Project Team had a deadline for a Design Report, and I´d been putting in a lot of effort for it, but the others hadnt done as much, and that made Arun really angry, so he decided to quit the team.
Quit the night before a deadline!!!
And so between trying to get the assignment handed in, and trying to talk Arun into comming back, it just got really stressful.
So I appologize to anyone who tried to talk to me during those days, cause I wasnt in a very good mood.
But now I´m off to a friends place to play some computer games to recover.
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Ebay UpdatejawaproFri 11/08/2006 06:42 PM
Well - my attempt to sell all that stuff in the bag on ebay didnt go as well as hoped, I only sold two things.
But I did make enough to pay myself back what I´d spent on it. Which means it was sort of a success. Thanks to the two people who bought stuff.
And now I´m trying to sell a model of a VW Beetle, with a description my cousin worked up. The description is the really kool part. Check it out:Nos Powered Beetle
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Update about the UpdatejawaproTue 01/08/2006 06:42 PM
Hmm - maybe I bit off more than I could chew here.
There isnt a heap to do. It´s almost ready. Just a couple of days would do it.
But Uni has gotten busy again. I hate how it gets so busy so fast. Stupid Project´s fault I guess.
Anyway - my promises of ´Less than a week´ may not come true.
But the update WILL happen.
Just you wait and see...
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