Good news and BadjawaproThu 13/04/2006 08:18 PM
I have some good news and some bad stuff.
Firstly on the bad front - my Uni project is still hectic. Not sure how
relaxed I´ll be these holidays, most of it will be spent doing homework
Also - my trusty old Nokia 5510 mobile phone has finally died. Now I
need a replacement. I´d love to buy one of the fancy phones that are
basically palm pilots, but that might have to wait until I get a proper
job (maybe next year) so I´ll probably get a cheapish phone for now.
Pity - I still really like the 5510.
But on to the good news - I got a check from Google today! $140!
So it´s definatly worth having those ads on my site. Every time someone
clicks on an add I get a few cents - and it adds up over time. In less
than 12 months I got over US$100 (AU$140ish) so they sent me the check.
That´s a fair bit more than the hosting is costing me - so it´s cool.
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Uni LifejawaproTue 21/03/2006 09:18 PM
Uni is getting to be annoying again. Its only week 4, but things are getting hectic.
Project is taking up a heap of my time and energy. I cant imagine what it´ll be like when I have other assignments due too.
But there are the occasional good points too - like discovering that the Macs have webcams built into them and taking stupid pictures of myself.
See this pic - I´ve put on some weight and my hair is getting a little boofy.
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Aeon Flux SucksjawaproFri 17/03/2006 09:18 PM
Aeon Flux Sucks
If you havent heard of this - "Aeon Flux" a new movie that just came out in the cinemas here. A friend of mine downloaded it and showed me the movie. He had a good quality copy of the movie, but the movie itself sucks.
So dont bother - its a stupid movie.
Sort of like a cross between Dark Angel, The Matrix, Dark City, The Island, and Dune - but with none of the good points of any of them.
So dont bother watching it - its pathetic. Particularly dont bother spending any money going to the cinema to see it.
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Ebay sillynessjawaproFri 03/03/2006 09:18 PM
I have just finished another auction on ebay. I didnt get a heap of money for this one, but anything was better than nothing, cause the item didnt cost me a cent.
Nope - it was just a blue bear that I found on the ground at the car park at uni. I decided to sell it on ebay as a "Might be Lucky" auction and see what happened.
Well, I got $1.25 for it.
The buyer was sihlgi from the USA!
Thanks muchly.
See you can sell anything on ebay. :)
View the Auction
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SerenityjawaproThu 23/02/2006 09:18 PM
I finally bought myself a copy of Serenity on DVD. It´s been out for a while now, but I have been looking around to find the best price. I ended up getting it at the ezy-dvd store in Launceston. It was $10 cheaper there than elsewhere - and I got to enter a competition to win a signed poster (signed by Joss Whedon who made the movie) but alas, I got a $50 parking fine - so it was the most epensive DVD I've ever bought :(
It's worth it though - but for the price I could have bought the Firefly series boxset as well.
Ah well - nothing I can do about it now. Just a warning - NEVER park on a loading zone - even if you are only there for 2 minutes - cause it hurts if you get stung...
And YES, I do realise that the picture I used here is in German - but it was the first one I found.
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