Site UpdatejawaproSun 30/07/2006 06:42 PM
Well listen up folks.
www.Jawapro.com is about to have a rather massive update.
A whole new layout!
Its the biggest change since it became a dotcom.
So stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed.
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Maelstrom FansitejawaproThu 20/07/2006 06:42 PM
Well - after years of saying I´d do it, I finally have.
I have made a fansite for Maelstrom - my favorite computer game ever.
Check it out at www.jawapro.com/maelstrom. It might not look all that impressive, but the style of the website suits the game.
And even though the graphics of the game are really dated now, the game is still simply awesome and a heap of fun to play.
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Uni ResultsjawaproFri 14/07/2006 06:42 PM
I got my results back from uni.
HD - Software Project
HD - Algorithms and Metrics
D - Computer Networks
C - Short Story Elective
Not bad really.
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Ebay SillynessjawaproSun 02/07/2006 06:42 PM
I bought a bad of small toys and stuff at a local market, to try and sell it all on ebay. Just for a laugh. My Dad didnt think it would work, but I´ve listed them now.
Go to ebay and take a look. Take a look at one of the auctions and click on the "View seller´s other items" to see the rest.
Feel free to buy anything there. If you are local and I know you, I´ll drop it off to save postage.
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4x4 TripjawaproTue 27/06/2006 06:42 PM
Well on the weekend I went four-wheel-driving. I´ve been many times with my Dad, but this is the first time I´ve ever been a driver.
Trojen´s mate had bought himself a new 4x4 and wanted to test it out, and Dad was brave or foolish enough to let me take the Maverick. So up the scrub we went.
Pud (Trojen´s Mate) wanted to play in some mud - so the first decent puddle we found, he went charging in.
We kept going, looking for more fun.
We found a bigger puddle to play in, and to my shame - I got bogged.
Of course - I only got bogged so Pud could test out his new winch. I wasnt really stuck....
Unfourtuantly the Maverick´s fan wasnt working, and the car overheated. And I was silly enough to take the radiator cap off - so we had to go and get some more water and rig up a way to make the fan work. After that everything was fine.
And we´re planning to do it all again sometime soon. I just need to get a better fan in the Maverick.
Speaking of which - I need to go and wash the car...
I´ll put the rest of the photos up in the gallery when its working again.
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