I've Been HackedjawaproMon 26/06/2006 06:42 PM
Hmm - not sure why or how - but my forums seem to have been hacked.
Dunno why anyone would want to do that.
When you go there they say they arnt working, and then take you to some website that isnt working either.
I´ll try and get it sorted asap.
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Firewall ProblemsjawaproWed 21/06/2006 08:18 PM
I reinstalled windows on my PC, and added a bigger harddrive. I now have two 80Gs instead of an 80 and a 40.
But I installed Windows, my anti-virus, my firewalls, and then everthing went wrong.
The PC would have a breif bluescreen and then reboot.
Sometimes it´d be as soon as windows loaded, other times it´d last a few min first.
I was going to blame the harddrive, as it had come out of an old PC and wast completely reliable.
But turns out, it was the two firewalls fighting either other, and somehow causeing windoz errorz.
Back when I used Win2000 I had both ZoneAlarms and BlackIce running together. Why use two firewalls? Well ZA seems good for blocking outgoing programs, but BI is better for blocking incomming stuff. So I used both.
When I upgraded to XP I was slack and only used one.
But this time I installed both. They were newer versions than last time, and it was XP, so I dont know what caused the problem - but I know something did.
They dont play nice together anymore.
But at least my PC is going ok again now.
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Exams OverjawaproTue 20/06/2006 08:18 PM
Finally - my Exams are over.
I only had 2 this semestar, but thats still 2 too many.
Now I can relax. I have 4 computers to reformat - then I can play some serious games.
This is me looking happy
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Supreme CommanderjawaproFri 16/06/2006 08:18 PM
Ok ok, I know I am supposed to be studying for my last exam, but my brain was going to mush, so I took a break.
And I found this trailer. And it´s awesome. It´s from the upcomming game Supreme Commander that´s being made by the same guy who made Total Annihilation - and it shows. This game looks fantastic.
And just cause he cant call it TA2 becuase of legal reasons - this sure looks like the sequal to TA, perhaps not in story (but there never was much in TA) but in the sort of game. I cant wait to give it a test drive.
You can get the awesome trailer here or at least you could when I got it. Its free and easy to download, but be warned - it´s 30Mb. But worth it - especially if you are a fan of TA.
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Project Team PresentationjawaproThu 01/06/2006 08:18 PM
My Uni project team has done our final task for the semester now. We had to do a presentation demonstrating our progress and the system we have developed.
Now its time to study for exams - sigh...
At least uni is almost over, I just have to finish my Creative Writing protfolio for my elective and stuff, but I cant wait till its over.
I could sleep for a week.
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